22 December 2005

La casa nueva. In a few weeks, this will be home! Feel free to drop by (and help unpack). Posted by Picasa

Emma had a supporting role in this year's church Christmas play - the cow at the manger. Meg made the costume! Great job, huh?  Posted by Picasa

Curtain call for the livestock. Emma nailed her line perfectly: "Moo". She occasionally nailed Jenna's line perfectly as well: "Baaa". Most of the time, she sort of made up her own lines: "Moo-baaahh!" Posted by Picasa


If you've stumbled upon our lowly blog, Christmas greetings to you! This is Emma's first Christmas, and we're doing everything we can to make it special. Kinda tough when you're moving five days after Christmas! But we do have a tree (3' artificial) and lots of presents and music (Harry Connick Jr, "When My Heart Finds Christmas"). We even managed to squeak out a role for little Emma in the children's church Christmas play (see photos). Meg, despite her busyness, has managed to bake dozens of "bizcochitos" - some New Mexican Christmas cookie made with lard (yes, lard) and anise (yes, anise.) Bizcochitos is Spanish for "what the heck do we make out of the leftover lard and anise?" But don't be fooled - they're surprisingly DELICIOUS!!

07 December 2005

Our future church home. Posted by Picasa

Texarkana, AR/TX. (Yes, both.) As you can see, I'm standing on the stateline. This town will be home in just a few weeks! Posted by Picasa

26 November 2005

Go west, young man.

Well, the news is finally out.

Our days in beautiful West Virginia have drawn to a close, and God is leading us westward. Texas, to be precise. The land of big hair, slow talk, and tasty barbecue. I (Brad) received an invitation from a church in northeast Texas to come as Pastor of Worship & Arts. We visited several weeks ago - had a grand time - and felt oh so definately that God was directing us to go. We announced to our church this past week, and yes, that was painful. The ones who love and support us are glad for us but discouraged for the church. They felt (somewhat correctly) that the church didn't give us the support we needed, and frankly, they weren't too surprised to see us go.

I have to trust the Lord on this one, and not myself. Sure, it's been hard at times. Difficult beyond words, even. But we don't leave when it's hard, only when we're released.

Christmas Day will be our last here. There are multitudenous details to attend to: buying a house! getting packed up! adoption stuff! We need prayer, guidance, wisdom, advice, et al so greatly now! But God is SO faithful - what He started, He will most certainly bring to completion!

Hopewell National Park, Chillicothe, OH. Posted by Picasa

I love my girl.Posted by Picasa

Posted by Picasa I think she loves me too!

Posted by Picasa Kinda makes us giddy, I suppose, all that love goin' around.

Sometimes Meg gets really excited being outdoors.  Posted by Picasa

"You're Just Like Your Mother."

I don't even know what to say about this..... Posted by Picasa

My Father's World

Emma is standing atop of the Indian mounds at the park. These burial mounds predate Christianity, and are scattered all over the eastern U.S. Posted by Picasa

Tolkien's Tree

We saw this tree at Hopewell Culture National Park in Chillicothe, OH. Meg thinks it looks like an old woman - sort of like those creatures from Tolkien. I think Meg needs to lay off the eggnog. Posted by Picasa

Emma and Uncle Miles. Posted by Picasa

Meg's family came in for Thanksgiving. Here she is with brother Miles. Posted by Picasa

Meg's 27th birthday. Posted by Picasa

19 November 2005

Waking up is hard to do, 1

Nope, I am not getting up. I am not waking up. Nope, I am snuggling right here. You may leave now. (Possible thoughts of a princess)

Waking up is harder to do, 2

Daaaaaaadddy. So silly - and it's too early to be silly!

Waking up is hard to do, 3

OK already. I am awake, would you get that camera out of my face? Ohhh, it's so hard to wake up! (Further thoughts of a princess)

11 November 2005

Fun with needles.

Got our flu shots today. Sure did hurt. But not as bad as yesterday, when we (Brad and Meg) had to have blood drawn for a physical. The lady came to our house (it's for life insurance application) and did the med exam for both of us. I (Brad) knew what was coming, and I wasn't looking forward to a screwdriver-sized needle being jammed into my veins. I tried to be brave, but turned green, nearly fainted, and started sweating profusely. And then she stuck the needle in, and I felt even worse. Apparently I had a vasovagal reaction - who knew? Some folks can handle the needle, some can't. I can't. No shame in admitting that. But today I got the flu vaccine, and did fine. Probably because it was in the bicep and not in the vein.

The things you learn in the course of a day.

06 November 2005

Just in case you didn't know what they were selling, the sign says it all. Another example of innovative West Virginia marketing. Posted by Picasa

About five miles north of the Mason-Dixon line, just over the Preston County, WV border into Pennsylvania, is breathtaking farm country where we saw this house on a Sunday morning. We were leaving the borough of Markleysburg (pop. 12 or so) after having spent the weekend at a retreat. I saw this place, and turned the van around just for a photo. I love the incredible juxtaposition of the ochre into the red of the house. It reminded me of home - not my home, but home with a capital "H" - the Home where mom is waiting with pot roast and pie, and a warm couch for a Sunday nap. Posted by Picasa

01 November 2005

At home in the woods. Posted by Picasa

Cozy, cozy, cozy. Posted by Picasa

Mountwood Park trail. Posted by Picasa

My girls.  Posted by Picasa

Easley Park

"I think that I shall never see/A poem as lovely as a tree."
Quite true, especially when one sees the trees of a West Virginia autumn. Yesterday was Monday, our "family day". We went to a nearby statepark for a family hike - Dad, Mom, Emma, and Darcy. We loaded Emma in her Jeep stroller and started up the leaf-strewn path along a winding trail, heading towards some elusive "ruins" that Meghann was insistent we find. Over rocks, roots, and ravines we pressed on valiently, stopping periodically to gather a particular beautiful speciman of fallen foliage. We never did find the ruins, so we'll have to go back.

Our Girl...

I thought this dress looked SO big. That it would take a long time to fit our little Emma.... And boom, it fits! This is this past Sunday. I can't believe how fast she is growing or how grown up she looks! It is amazing.

Well, everyone asked for more pictures - so here you go! By the way, we love feedback. We don't know if anyone has looked at the blog without it! Thought nobody was checking it and then found out lots have been! We didn't know...

Me, Be, Ee