I found a blog post from last year. I had written about 75% of it and then somehow never finished it and never posted it. Regardless, it was a Valentine's Day post. So I thought I'd finish my thoughts here.
We love Valentine's Day around here. Not so much the "big gifts" and "date night" for Brad and I. What we love is coming up with the Valentine's "happies" that we make for E's friends. This year was a first! This year J is in school as well and was so very excited to help make them for her classmates. We always spend quite a bit of time to research ideas and look for new designs that we haven't made before.
This has become quite the tradition for the girls and I! But we're not the first generation to do this. Nope, I did this with my mother. I remember spending time with her hand making Valentine's for my friends and classmates. No store bought ideas or candies were allowed in the Boyer home. At the time, I'm not sure I always appreciated the work that went into this. My mother didn't "do" most candies, and she was very insistent that we could be more creative then a box could provide. She was right - but again, I wish I had realized that earlier! Thanks, Mum, for remembering your art teacher roots and challenging your daughter! I'm doing my best to carry on this tradition. :)
OK - you got me! Out of nowhere came the Mum/Granma GG tears. Thank you for thanking me and for remembering that we took time to be different...and thoughtful. I am so blessed that I knew just enough to teach you so you could hand this gift to your precious girls. God is good. I am blessed. I love you all dearly. Your Mummie
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