30 June 2005

An older photo, but recently doctored via Photoshop. I will forever be proud of this picture, celebrating the three Easley kids and their respective graduations (me and Bryan from seminary, Kerry from HS). Meg did such a phenomenal job on these pictures. My family is so cool. Posted by Picasa

Party girl eyeing the cake. Deelish. Posted by Picasa

One way to learn the alphabet: osmosis. Posted by Picasa

Alohaaa lukalakelei Posted by Picasa


Been a few days since the last post. Sorry. Being mommy and daddy is incredibly demanding. Did I say she was low-maintenance? Foolish boy....

Our church threw Emma a party - how delightful! It was a Hawaiian luau theme - so much fun! Considering how unpopular we can be with some factions of the church, there were a LOT of people there! Emma, of course, absorbed the attention like a sponge, and opened each gift quite unashamedly. Gifts included: some noisy leapfrog thingie, a doll that looks eerily real, enough clothes for quintuplet, gardening stuff (nice touch), an incredible handmade ABC quilt (see pic), and lots of other sundries. And cash. Which is always good. (And still welcome, by the way. Checks too. Send 'em on.)

This week I (Dad) have been staying at home. Very demanding. Very very demanding. Just how LONG can one little girl want to swing? Hours. And hours. But I love it all.

Meg's last day was today. That will be a blow to the ol' piggy bank, but Daddy simply needs to give more time to the church work. So all will work out in God's perfect timing. Blessings to all.

21 June 2005

One of our first outings as Daddy/daughter was playing at the Ikea store kid's slide in southern California. She must have slid 20 or 25 times that afternoon, one after the next. When Mr. Mick and Mammy Fay (from church) bought her a new swingset, her slide became the favourite part. Posted by Hello

It was the perfect afternoon for b&w's on her slide....great light, a compliant subject. I took nearly 100 pics of her swinging. Thanks to Photoshop, I was able to remove a power line which appeared to bisect her head from both directions. Posted by Hello

Sunday morning. Little Sprout was wearing a new dress that we found on sale! She loves dresses. Today she referred to herself as "a princess". Today, a princess. Tomorrow, the queen of the world..... Posted by Hello

18 June 2005

ahhh sweetness.... Posted by Hello

I'll just eat this, then I don't have to go in...right?  Posted by Hello

Dinner time ALREADY? ahhh daddy.... Posted by Hello

MY new swing set!! (Are we excited or what?) Posted by Hello

16 June 2005

Fried green tomatoes! Need I say more? Posted by Hello

Youth service at night, Indian Springs Campmeeting, 2004. Posted by Hello

Summer plans.

We've been invited back to Indian Springs Camp this summer! Last year we were but lowly artists, volunteering to document the event in photos. (Check 'em out right here on the blog!) This year we've been promoted to bonafide children's ministers! yES! A perk of parenthood, I suppose. If any of you have never experienced a summer campmeeting (specifically, one in the deep South), it is quite a lifetime experience. We'll have lots of stories to share, plus little Emma can meet her new family - especially her cousins in Mississippi!

Private prayer time at the campmeeting. Posted by Hello

13 June 2005

Too cool for words. So we best hush up about this one. Posted by Hello

A trip to the park. Again. This is where we saw the "turduklin" (as Meg calls it) - that ungodly beast of a bird with the red beak. Posted by Hello

So ugly it's almost cute. Almost. Posted by Hello

12 June 2005

Testing Her Boundaries

As she explores her world, she also pushes her limits. The past few days have proved she is WAY smarter than we sometimes think. The blank stare when she's told to do something? The running after her new friends at church instead of coming when Mommy calls? The refusal to use manners and be polite?

Oh, the depths of the stubborn will. As she becomes more comfortable with us, she's pushing boundaries. It's especially hard on weekends when we're at church. She NEVER is inclined to come when we call her. Today she fussed and cried that she had to go home. She had at least three swats on the leg, and two time outs.

But all in all it was a great day! We had supper in our jammies and we smothered her with love and affection. She is blossoming is such am amazing way here. Her personality is coming alive. Her eyes sparkle, her voice is full of life. She's excited, protected, nurtured, and challenged. She's got all she needs.

Prima ballerina. Posted by Hello

A serious picture? In THIS family? You must be joking. Posted by Hello

In her Sunday best, waiting to perform. Posted by Hello

11 June 2005

In the strawberry patch. Posted by Hello

10 June 2005

Picking strawberries.

Lessons Mommy and Daddy learned picking strawberries with 2.5 year old daughter:

1. Dress daughter in clothes that are free to be stained. Would recommend buying strawberry-picking-outfit just for this occasion. A garbage bag with holes cut out would suffice. New white shirt and shoes? Not a good idea.

2. Explain to daughter the difference in "picking" and "squishing." Picking = to pull gently from the crown of the berry, removing it from the stem. Squishing = wrapping four small fingers (plus one small thumb) around a very large berry and yanking,, tugging, pulling, and squeezing on it until every molecule of juice and pulp from the berry has "squished" between the fingers in the effort to remove it from the stem.

Explain to daughter that squished strawberries, though similar in taste to the firm variety, do not make for an aesthetically pleasing strawberry shortcake.

3. Bring a color chart for daughter. Red = ripe; pick it. Green = unripe; let it be. Red = yes. Green = no.Explain to checkout lady why half of bucket is full of unripe strawberries.

4. Praise daughter for her frugality, but dissuade her from retreiving and eating the rotten berries on the ground.

5. Pick in an remote area, lest daughter try and "help" the other customers with their picking. When this fails, find another remote area. And another. And another. Through clenched teeth thank Jesus that daughter is sociable, outgoing, and apt to share.

07 June 2005

Heartbreaker. Posted by Hello

We're stuck now....

I'ts a weird feeling. Sort of like when you make a big purchase and they give you a receipt. I'm stuck now. Ready or not, I'm a parent.

We had japanese hibachi tonight, and she came alive at all the sights and smells, the whizzing knives and flashing fire. Check out the picture!

The foster family left tonight after the coconut cream pie. I'd thought they'd want to come by in the morning for coffee, but no, they said, tonight was it. Last goodbyes. Last hugs. Foster mom fell apart, as did Meggie mom. Little girl didn't know what to make of everything. I think she knows what's going on, though. She's way too smart. She knows a heck of a lot more than she lets on.

How can a two-year-old be so darn intimidating?

My Spam truck. ('05 Dodge Spamcharger). Posted by Hello

Meg with her Spam turtle. We did Spam carvings with the youth group.  Posted by Hello

05 June 2005

Dollbaby. Posted by Hello