19 February 2008


Do you remember that TV show, something about, Kids say the Darndest Things? I don't remember the true name - something to that effect though! Well, yesterday I was showing Emma some pictures on the computer. One was of my Grandfather, John Nolan - also known as Bapa Nolan, and she said:

"I know he was very old and he went to heaven", then a few moments later she added, "and even if you’re not really rich you can go to heaven".

I nearly died laughing! He passed away many years ago - long before she was even a thought and so she has no idea of his economic stability. But what a thought!

Man, kids do say the darndest things!

18 February 2008

Prayer in Ministry


The following is an email I sent out this evening. Some of you may have recieved this all ready. Some of you may not. It is for this reason that I am adding this right now! There is a possibility that somehow we may have lost your email address and you do not recieve our email updates. They are not the same (usually!) as the blog - so we want to make this available to all who want them or are wanting to join in prayer with us for minstry work! If you would like to recieve these emails, please email me and let me know! Thanks!!


Well, Hello all!

Ok, so as I got reprimanded by our esteemed youth pastor, I feel as though I should send out a clarification! I suppose some may have taken my writings as a forewarning as to another move. Let me make this clear, until little green men come and pack my house for me NOTHING will make me move again EXCEPT the voice of the Lord! Even the green men (singing all the way) would have had to build me a custom house with separate shower and bath. Oh, and a walk-in-closet! SO, do we all understand each other? Meg and Brad are VERY happy with our new found church family! How's that dear youth dude? ;)

As I have become addicted to playing with our website (easleypark.net), it occurs to me that I may be missing out on some of our friends blogs and websites! (As in the Ranous' - we don't know your url anymore!). SO if you have a blog, website, or interesting updatable page (face book - or something) we would love to have it! We really enjoy reading about your lives and keeping up on the on goings of our friends! Would you please email the links? THANKS!

This week Brad is gearing up for Vision Sunday at the Church. Matt, you call it ttate of the church address, I believe. What ever it is called, it is casting the vision for the next year. There has been much building of anticipation and excitement. Would you join with me in prayer for Brad and I as we minister in this dear church? We are finding such joy in our involvement here! It is fascinating to find unexpected ministry moments - for example, we joined a gym. Apparently a popular place and one that we have had a great chance to get to know some of our people on a deeper level!

I too am finding myself being drawn into a deeper calling with Christ. Along with that comes not fear, but a since of awe as we see God use us in ways we know we are totally unworthy of being used - if it wasn't for the Spirit working in and through us! I am amazed, no, more like humbled that we are allowed to be given such a responsibility. I find myself praying for tenderness to the voice of the Lord. Without my ear to his heart I would really screw up! Alone I am selfish, emotional, flighty, unreliable, and tire easily. Though HIM I have found myself working outside these personal struggle areas and am amazed! I sometimes sit back (inside my head) and say, hey, is that YOU doing that? Is that YOU having that energy? And then I say; No, it's not, it GOD using me - so scoot on over Meg, let him in! It's His time to man the controls!

Well, not to take up too much of your time. I hope you can tell we are excited about Lakewood! AND we want to be excited about you! SO please remember to email us your links!

Our love,
Meg and Brad

15 February 2008

New Mexico Thoughts...

I was wasting time this morning. I admit it! I was goofing off on facebook and looking at groups. I came across some that were talking about being from NM, but not living there now. It made me remember some occurances that I have had. I thought I would share my thoughts here:

I was the fifth generation to grow up on my family's land in Taos - needless to say I don't have and eastern or southern accent! Actually I don't have much of anything - which seems to draw attention from people when I travel. Of course, when I call home, my parents tease me about picking up a southern twange...

Brad and I have moved quite about around out east and in the south. When we have been traveling out east I have been asked numerous times if have needed a passport to fly out. Even when I am asked where I am from (because of the lack of accent) I am then asked if I have to have a VISA to move out east! Also have been asked if it was hard to exchange my money. I don't even know what to say anymore. Sigh...

It always get's me because if someone tells me that they are from New England, I don't ask what's new about it or how was the flight over the ocean! Now, it's true. This really did happen! So, not that I don't love all of my friends and family from around the US, we just need to make sure our kids know all 50 states! :)

This was the post that made me start to think. (Dad, this will tickle you!)

You know you are from New Mexico when:
You're still secretly afraid of the ditch witch.
You've been on a balloon chase crew.
Most of the people you know have security clearances.
You have more than one relative who can't talk about their job.
You feel claustrophobic if you can't see the horizon.
You know where to park to get the best view of a lightening storm.
You have a story about a balloon landing in your backyard/playground/etc.
Celebrity spotting .
You remember when Coronado was the cool mall.
You have 8 zillion photos of sunsets, and they're all beautiful.

To read more : http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2217708865

So, although I am excited about where God has taken me - boy do I miss home!

12 February 2008

and we live on....

Well, I hate to admit it - it really bugs me! BUT life is moving on. Yes - Emma has her first loosth (that's how it sounds when she says it) tooth. I knew it would happen - another kid in her class just lost their first. But my baby? Ok folks - let's go back in time....

2000 - Brad and Meg had just gotten married. We were happy - blisfull - (ok, just hang with me for a moment) and then... we had to buy a washing machine! My parents had lovingly given us their "old" machine and we had plenty of money (thanks to the support of generous donations to our marriage fund) - so what was the problem? MEG. Yep, that's it, I HATE to buys and own things - (now that doesn't include clothes and shoes....) and we had to buy one. IT was big - heavy and couldn't fit in my little 1986 Cavilier! I nearly had a panic attack in Sears.

What does this have to do with Emma's tooth? I just hate those event's - the ones that are big "events" or "firsts" or well, "momentous". In twoyears I will not care when a tooth comes loose. But right now it is the ripping out of my heart that Emma's FIRST tooth is loose.... ugg. Grow up Meg!

Am I the only one who goes through these quakes? Naa, I doubt it - but I am planning on taking her to get photos taken on Sat!

Back From the Dead!

Well, we are trying to get up and running, but I am having trouble with something called an rss feed for my blog - don't ask - I am already confused! We shall see.... It took way too long to get this working, but now the idea is that instead of going to the blogspot site you will just come here and it will be here! Very handy - indeed!

I am glad that we finally are trying to be back and active and will (I am sure) have some interesting things to grumble about or rejoice over!

Hey, have you ever heard of BzzAgent? I hadn't either until my mum-in-law got me going, I love it! You sign up for free and then fill out some questionnaires and you test products for them. So far I have received free items such as household cleaners, and a Sonicare toothbrush sanitizer.My latest product is some multi-purpose cleaning wipes and duster from Pledge. I really like these new products. The wipes will work on metal, wood, glass, and electronics - I found Brad cleaning the computer one day! They really do work on all four! We have stainless steel in the kitchen and Emma helps that look really pretty (not all of it is non-showing for fingerprints- thank goodness the fridge is) but these work great on their as well as dusting my living room, the bathroom mirror, and my computer! Ok, so that is my suggestion of the day - a time saver, one product - many areas of the house!

Emma got her first "yellow" light in school today. She works hard at only having green lights - well, we sat for over half-an-hour in the car as she poured her little heart out in tears and trying to tell me about it. Growing up is hard to do! But she is doing it so well and so fast! I have a hard time believing she is five and reading!
Well, will go now -
love to all!

07 February 2008

Back From the Dead!


Well, we are trying to get up and running, but I am having trouble with something called an rss feed for my blog - don't ask - I am already confused! We shall see.... It took way too long to get this working, but now the idea is that instead of going to the blogspot site you will just come here and it will be here! Very handy - indeed!

I am glad that we finally are trying to be back and active and will (I am sure) have some interesting things to grumble about or rejoice over!

Hey, have you ever heard of BzzAgent? I hadn't either until my mum-in-law got me going, I love it! You sign up for free and then fill out some questionnaires and you test products for them. So far I have received free items such as household cleaners, and a Sonicare toothbrush sanitizer.

My latest product is some multi-purpose cleaning wipes and duster from Pledge. I really like these new products. The wipes will work on metal, wood, glass, and electronics - I found Brad cleaning the computer one day! They really do work on all four! We have stainless steel in the kitchen and Emma helps that look really pretty (not all of it is non-showing for fingerprints- thank goodness the fridge is) but these work great on their as well as dusting my living room, the bathroom mirror, and my computer! Ok, so that is my suggestion of the day - a time saver, one product - many areas of the house!

Emma got her first "yellow" light in school today. She works hard at only having green lights - well, we sat for over half-an-hour in the car as she poured her little heart out in tears and trying to tell me about it. Growing up is hard to do! But she is doing it so well and so fast! I have a hard time believing she is five and reading!

Well, will go now -
love to all!