Dear Friends,
Dear World,
Dear Mom,
I need your help. I am in a conundrum - a real fix, and need a real solution. Our life is rather, ummm, busy right now. A rough calculation (using a handy on line time calculator) is that we are (as a family) clocking in about 110 hours a week. The joy of this is that our sweet girls are with us and we are enjoying the time. (That does not include our Sunday worship for anyone who is wondering) BUT it does leave me short on time for a few important things....
such as house work and dooooooggggs.
Yes, the dogs.
One has put on some weight - she isn't being worked enough.
The other?
Well, let's say, that in the past number of months, all training seems to have crawled out those shaggy little ears. He no longer tries to do anything worth trying. Such as being trained to take his bodily fluids outside.
I am at a loss....
I can't have a crawling baby go through a puddle!
So they have been outside most of the time for several months.
Darcy loves it. She doesn't care. She is the perfect dog.
HE welll.... she stands at the door and yelps. IF you let him in, he messes then stands at the door and yelps to go outside.
I am at my wits end. I thought about getting a crate again and starting crate training all over.
BUT I don't have time! I am not home through the day to let him out.
SO my friends...
What do you think we should do? I have never given up on an animal without due cause (Annie, my sweet stinker of a cat gave me hives) - but I am loosing my sanity.
Please help.
I would love your ideas.