A few months ago I started a series of photographs I call “Today’s View”. They started as a somewhat tongue-in-cheek view as how big my belly - and finally ankles - had grown. But as I took the pictures I started to notice the change. My belly really did grow – BIG. My legs looked shorter. Then there was an actual baby’s head. He was nursing – and I didn’t show all that – but I continued to show what I saw that day from my current perspective. It helped me to remember why I’m doing what I’m doing. I’m not just sitting here, doing nothing, although I often feel that way. I have so much I want to get done, and yet I sit. But why do I sit? I sit because I’m the mom of a newborn. I direct my home from my perch, and in directing have to let many things slide. Until it can slide no longer.
Today I had an professional organizer come and help me prioritize. She is amazing. She gave me ideas. She motivated me. Previously, it was only her photos on social media that motivated me. That is until the ankles and belly became too big to do much, and then the baby came to nurse. And nurse. And nurse….
But today she came. Hope is in the air! All this happened and then I had a thought…
Perhaps I can only get just one thing accomplished each day. Only one. Some days, that’s simply caring for a baby {and perhaps about 5 loads of laundry… but they won’t get folded… not in one day.} Other days I can get something else done. Just one simple thing, mind you. But I do something every day, no matter how small.
That lead to this thought. If I get one thing done each day, in a year that’s 365 tasks accomplished!. Okay, so I may not do it every day, but even it I only do it once every few days… well, you get the idea.
So I have begun. I will try to only get one thing done at a time. I know, I know! This sounds silly. But you see, I get overwhelmed. I see messes everywhere and I can’t figure out where to start. So I'll just focus on one simple task today.
Just do one thing. It doesn’t have to be the “right” thing. I can try something else tomorrow. So, where to start?
· Go sort dress-up clothes?· Go through baby cloths to look for the next size up?
· Change out the maternity clothes in my dresser for my real clothes?
· Or write about doing it all right now?
Today I write, so that tomorrow I can read about this and remember. Oh, yeah, I’m going to go DO that ONE thing right NOW!