26 November 2009

short on charge, not on words...

Darn it.  I am lazy and yep, I admit it.  I have much to say, but only fifteen min. of charge time to say it!  I could go find the cord, plug it in, have all the time in the world - but that would require getting out of bed, disturbing B and that just won't do.  For one, he is my heat source - and secondly the peaceful cadence of his breath would be disturbed.  He is a light sleeper - much more so than me.....

Oh, thirteen min. to go... no wait, make that twelve... grrr...

Have I told you that I love being married to a real man?  What makes a real man?  He carries a pocket knife.  Always ready to save his princeses, or to make a new tool out of that peice of tree.... OR to carve our names in a tree.  We did that to one of ours the other day, that way, we always know!  My B, a real man.

I just used it to cut my melatonin pill in half.  See what I mean?  A man always has the right tools to help - even if he is sleeping.  I love seeing the watch, scrunched dollar, single piece of hard candy, and the knife... Trying to convince myself not to steal that candy - it's a w. original...

I thought this had a spell check - I can't find it, and I was typing for emotion not correctness - so please forgive my lack.

I have lot's to write of, to tell you about medicians that Dr.'s say will help, then find out they don't - then find out you can't get insurance because of those same ones... I want to share, but now I only have five min. more - I don't think that's enough time.

Leave it to this, clomid was hard, clomid, shots, tears, they were harder - Dr. felt Effexor would make it all better..(while we added creams to the shots and clomid pills).. now what?  Three years later I find out the truth.  That's ok,  I have Josie, I have Emma, and I have B.  That's what I need..

But insurance would be nice too. 

Three min. left, don't think I want to run out too far, the screen just goes black.  Like in college, when my blue 1986 Cavalier would run out of gas.  The needle didn't work too well, and this says two min.  So good night, will write soon.  Must get warm and kiss that ear.  
